Thursday, 25 November 2010

Techniques of Seduction

Edit: A word of caution to readers who take the following seriously. Don't be a bitch or a bastard; don't hurt people. Know what it is you're looking for; know that one-night stands are ultimately unsatisfying. If you use these techniques, use them for the good. I am by no means a master, and after just a few weeks I've developed mixed feelings towards the thing as a whole. Know the means, but keep to the end. And the end is, for most people, love. Helping people to be themselves is the greatest gift you can give them. They are nice to throw in, but use them wisely. The fact that you can be a bitch/bastard does not give you the warrant to - The evil we commit lives on.


In the past week or so I've been trying my hand at seduction. Considered some techniques, applied them with my own twist... And it works! I'll give a brief outline of the kind of things that drive people wild...

1. Emotional Independency. Most people, when confronted with someone who is emotionally independent will sense this and go quite mad. Why? Because it's something most don't have - Co-dependency and love are what people are brought up to expect in a relationship. Demonstrate that you are emotionally independent and people will cleave to you without thinking.

2. Not-Bored. Most people get bored with their day-to-day, static existence. Because for most people in the twentieth century, life can be very regimented and dull. Being unpredictable, hard to fathom - These things are inherently attractive because such a child-like quality reminds people of happier times, and it is infectious.

3. An Aura of Mystery. Give little away about yourself, create a mysterious persona. All this requires is to not talk about oneself excessively - It also gives the seduced the opportunity to talk more, which for a woman is very flattering... And how the darling creatures love to talk!

4. Cunning Linguistics. Language is everything - But not specifically spoken language. Body-language is the greatest sign, and the biggest come-ons are unspoken in nature. A combination of the two can produce a very intoxicating effect - Blazing eyes and equivocable words can reduce a person's heart to mush. Dispel and dismantle objections with laughter and pedantry - This will help to reinforce that aura of mystery.

5. Subtle Contradictions of Character. To convey one thing with actions and its opposite with words is perhaps a seducer's greatest weapon. Logically, anything follows from a contradiction - This helps to reinforce the impression of unpredictability. Telling people that you are no good for them will appeal to their Thanatos instinct - Some people [women especially] just want to be ridden roughshod over. That doesn't give one license to do that - For one it's caddish, and certainly not the behaviour of a gentleman. Remind them that you are poisonous, far more than they suppose... This self-denouement, combined with a pleasant attitude will make people start to think about you of their own accord... And when this happens, they begin to seduce themselves. Self-denouement can be fatal to a woman's heart - As soon as she starts to feel sorry for him with a black heart, she will start wanting to change him... She envisages a complete transformation, she wants to tame him. Love is born from sympathy, this is a rule of the female sex...

6. Keep the Seduced at Arm's Length. If they cannot get close to you, they will become frustrated. The more frustrated they become, the more passionate the outcome will be. Maintaining this distance will not only prove maddening for the seduced, but it will also deepen the intensity of their feelings. Before they know it, it will be them chasing you... A job well done.

7. Strike an Impression. Flattery works well, but don't lay it on too thick. You want it to be subtle, almost unnoticeable. People will pick up on it without even realising - When you are with them, they will be happy without even knowing why. Soon enough they'll start to think about you, to miss you... Aww.

8. Hot and cold, cold and hot. Being this way and that, kind and mean, altruistic and egoistic, here and there, near then far... These work wonders. The seduced will want to be accepted by you, and not before long they'll start wanting you. It drives people crazy, because they just don't know what is going on. And people are naturally curious - They'll want to find out.

9. Create Desire. Last but not least, mimesis. Mimesis is the emotional mirroring of another human being or creature. Mothers feel sad when their children do, partners feel joy with each other. You will want to instill desire in the seduced by leading them into emotional territory of their own accord. Subtle hints, off-hand gestures... People take all of this in, and they register with greater strength than do most words. Simply stroking one's lower lip in thought with a semi-scornful gaze is enough to send a tingle down someone's spine. Don't make it too overt or they may run a mile - You must learn to disguise your intentions and make it seem as if it is the other person taking the lead.

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